Justice K Lakshman of the Telangana High Court has instructed the principal of Kakatiya Medical College, along with the additional director of medical education (DME), K Ram Kumar Reddy, to respond to a contempt of court case filed by Dr. MA Saif Ali. This case stems from Dr. Saif Ali’s suspension from the college in June 2023, which he claims was carried out without following due process.
Dr. Saif Ali is facing serious allegations related to ragging and the subsequent suicide of Dr. Dharavath Preethi. However, he argued that his suspension violated Regulation No. 23 of the National Medical Commission’s (NMC) Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Medical Colleges and Institutions Regulations, 2021. According to this regulation, a student must be given an opportunity to defend themselves before facing suspension. Dr. Saif Ali contended that he was not given this chance. Additionally, he claimed that his multiple representations to the college, made on April 28, June 2, and September 11, 2023, were ignored, further adding to his grievances.
In response, Dr. Saif Ali filed a writ petition, challenging his suspension, which the court upheld. The court suspended the disciplinary order issued by the college on January 8, 2024. The court also directed Kakatiya Medical College to upload Dr. Saif Ali’s attendance records from February 20, 2023, to October 3, 2023, as per a notification issued on October 29, 2024. Furthermore, the court allowed Dr. Saif Ali to appear for the upcoming medical postgraduate (MD/MS) exams scheduled for January 2025, ensuring that he could continue his medical education.
Despite the clear court order issued on December 10, 2024, the college failed to upload Dr. Saif Ali’s attendance records as required. This non-compliance led Dr. Saif Ali to file a contempt of court case, arguing that the college had disobeyed the court’s instructions. In response to the contempt petition, Justice K Lakshman has now directed the principal of Kakatiya Medical College and the additional director of DME to file their counter to the case by December 27, 2024.
This case underscores issues related to administrative and legal processes in medical colleges, student rights, and the enforcement of court orders in educational institutions.