January 13, 2025

Kerala Enforces New Guidelines for Government Doctors’ Private Practice to Prevent Conflicts of Interest

The Kerala government has updated the code of conduct for public officials by introducing new regulations governing government doctors’ private practices. These rules’ main goal is to make sure that government doctors’ private practices don’t interfere with their public service obligations or lower the standard of care provided at government hospitals.

The new standards state that government physicians are not allowed to practice privately within one kilometer of their government hospital, unless they do so out of their own home or from government buildings connected to the hospital where they work. By preventing any overlap between their private and public functions, this restriction aims to lower the risk of conflicts of interest and guarantee that their private lives do not interfere with their official responsibilities.

Furthermore, government physicians are prohibited from practicing privately in structures meant for business use or in areas connected to healthcare facilities, pharmacies, or diagnostic facilities like labs and scanning centers. The purpose of this regulation is to preserve the distinctions between public and private medical practices and to prohibit any financial exploitation of their professional position.

The guidelines state that medical officers practicing privately may only utilize the barest minimum of tools and equipment to diagnose patients. In order to meet the unique requirements of dental care, dentists are allowed to utilize some basic equipment and necessary dental chairs. This restriction makes sure that private healthcare practices stay modest and don’t interfere with or take away from public health services.

Moreover, physicians are not allowed to use government facilities for private practice purposes or to send their private patients to government agencies. To guarantee that public resources are kept exclusively for the use of public patients, they are prohibited from using government medications or other resources for their private practice.

If medical officers are working out of their homes, they must show proof of residency in order for these requirements to be followed. Aadhaar cards, building tax receipts, and utility bills (phone, water, and electricity) are examples of acceptable documentation. In the event that these records are not available, a resident certificate from the building’s local self-government body is required.

In general, the purpose of these recommendations is to maintain the integrity of public health services by controlling the circumstances in which government physicians may practice privately. This is done in an effort to maintain a balance between their dual roles and avoid any potential conflicts.







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